Sunday 31 March 2013

Limited Edition~ Illamasqua Lipstick and Brush Set ~ Debenhams

I was browsing through the Illmasqua page on the Debenhams website and I noticed they had a set of 6 lipsticks (all matt, of course) and a lipstick brush. All in one box. All lush colours. Obviously, I was sold-da-dold. The full price for this kit is £85 but with Debenhams current sale it comes to £76.50. Yes, yes I know (you're all sounding like my mum in my head) it's alot of money...but is it?

My micro dermabrasion ~ Review

Taken from the website of where I got my treatments done from, they describe micro dermabrasion as the following;

Micro dermabrasion is a system of intense exfoliation and resurfacing using ultra fine crystals rejuvenating the skin.
The crystals work as a gentle abrasive on the skin to remove dead skin cells layer by layer. The irregular shape of the crystals work on hard to reach areas without damaging the skin

The vacuum action of the machine stimulates the circulation and promotes increased blood flow to the area. The production of collagen and elastin is stimulated resulting in firmer more youthful looking skin.

I'm all set to get married very soon and I've had 7 treatments in total. I decided to get it done mainly because I had some acne scarring from where my skin has been suffering over the years. My skin has improved naturally over the years and I have gotten much better at maintaining it too.  There's a few things I'd like to rave about;

1. The treatments have most definitely reduced the appearance of the scars on my face. After the first treatment, I noticed almost an immediate difference.
2. I have quite sensitive skin and even with my 'brown' skin tone, I still go red very quickly. The micro dermabrasion did not in any way make me 'break out' or make my skin suffer. There was just initial redness after each treatment which lessened overnight. (I tended to get my treatments done in the evening when I had finished work.)
3. IT DOES NOT HURT. Ha. I had imagined it to have hurt a little, but nope siree. 

Keido Hair and Beauty in Stoke on Trent have been fantastic and if you're from the area I would strongly recommend them. Such a lovely staff and I can't thank them enough.

My skin feels firmer, brighter and clearer. If I'd had more time in the run up to my wedding, I would have definitely continued the treatments for longer. If you do get micro derma done, I would suggest you take their advice and leave 2 weeks between treatments. Really take the time to let your skin rest and for you to notice whether it is making a specific difference to YOUR skin. Remember everyone's skin is different. Tone lots and moisturise with a good quality moisturiser.

Thank you, Keido! Link to Keido Website :)  

Saturday 23 March 2013

Nail Art - So I discovered dotting tools

Now, I'm not going to pretend I'm amazing or even 'good' with these things but I know it's fun trying to learn!

Missjenfabulous is a great little teacher for a teacher (me, heh!) when it comes to nails. for the tutorial for the pic attached.

I used Essie and MAC nail varnishes but I'm sure it'd work with any! By the by Nail dotting tools are available from Amazon and ebay for us poor UK folk that aren't as blessed as the US is with beauty stuff alot of the time.

Revlon Lip Butters

Ok, so I may aswel start off this blog with a complete obsession as of late. I know I'm not the first and I sure as hell won't be the last to rave about this product, but jeeeeeeheeeez! Just an awesome, brilliant formula. Now, I work with children and even when I'm out and about I freak out about germs and I won't put anything in or near my mouth until I have sanitised my hands or washed them etc. The reason I mention this is because it affects my choice of lip balms and I tend to opt for balms in a stick rather than tubs. For a long while whilst on my time off, I did really enjoy the Body Shop Born Lippy collection of balms and they are usually the ones I pop on before I head to bed but these Revlon Lip Butters are set to replace my trusted Nivea stick which was always in my pockets.

So...Boots had a 3 for 2 offer on and I have very clearly milked it. I can't possibly rave any more about these. Even my fiance is curious as to what the big hoohaa is. :)

The colours in my tin (so far, ahem!) are as follows:
From top left going across: Sugar Plum, Cupcake, Juicy Papaya
Row 2 top left going across: Pink Lemonade, Wild Watermelon, Peach Parfait, Sorbet
Row 3 top left going across: Creme Brulee and Tutti Frutti

I'm sorry to the internet world for my very WOOWOO'ish first post but I felt I needed to find a hole for my passion and waddaya know...